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Placenta Steam Cells Salmon DNA -From Your Skin 5 vials of 10ml

Name: Salmon fetal stem cell
Brand: From. Your Skin
Made in Korea
Manufacturer: Aria Comestic Company, Korea
Specification: 5 vials of 10ml


- Salmon fetal DNA: Polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) is a substance found in the fetus of salmon in microscopic amounts. Standardized according to the special size of structural DNA. Ability to regenerate cells and promote the cell regeneration process extremely excellent.

- Phyto plant stem cells: Extracted from rye cells, aloe vera,…; Phyto plant stem cells are loaded with antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin B2, and vitamin B1. Slows down the aging process, the valuable bandages on the skin reduces blemishes and blemishes. At the same time, the execution stem cells also work great in exfoliating and moisturizing firm skin. 

- Vitamin B5: Increases collagen growth, enhances glutathione production in the skin. 

- Amino Acid: is the main section of protein parse that helps maintain moisture. Enhances structural restoration and is healthy, with brilliant light.

- Water molecule: Provide water and moisturize the skin to increase its recovery to help skin stretch. Especially in the dry season.


Formulated in the form of micro DNA nanoparticles, it makes its way to penetrate and superfast into the dermis of the skin, nourishing and stimulating the regeneration of new skin cells from the root.



  • Collagen Enriching collagen, making discontinuous elastin fibers help brighten, glowing skin. 
  • Against the process of aging, sagging, limping, skin rejuvenation.
  • Eliminates and inhibits melanin pigment in the skin. Prevent the exposure of UV rays to the skin surface.
  •  Skin whitening, shiny, smooth, even skin color
  • Support to heal scars, reduce pigmentation, freckles, age spots, bruises left by acne, ...
  • Tighten pores, regulate sebum, excess oil, ...
  • Remove the deep dirt in the hair follicles, treat acne, hidden acne, blackheads, atopic dermatitis, ... tighten pores effectively after only 14 days of use.


Suitable for all skin types.

In particular, the skin is weak, sensitive, Cortis-contaminated skin, mercury due to mixing cream, aging skin, loose skin, uneven skin color


How to use:

- Use morning and night after cleansing skin

- Get the essence absorbed evenly onto the skin and combine gently massage so that the essence penetrates deep into the skin cells

- Should be used 2 times per day

Placenta Steam Cells Salmon DNA -From Your Skin 5 vials of 10ml

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